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How are variables inside decorator functions accessing values outside their scope?

Here is a sample decorator:

def smart_divide(func):
   def inner(a,b):
      print("I am going to divide",a,"and",b)
      if b == 0:
         print("Whoops! cannot divide")

      return func(a,b)
   return inner

def divide(a,b):
    return a/b

If func is an object then how do the variables a and b get accessed from it?

Isn't it like trying to to do this?

def func(potato):
      print(y, x)

Is there a fundamental concept I am not getting? Is what is happening here part of some pattern in Python or is it a special case situation where a and b know were to look because it is a generator?


New example from another stack exchange answer

def my_shiny_new_decorator(a_function_to_decorate):

    def the_wrapper_around_the_original_function():

        print("Before the function runs")


        print("After the function runs")

    return the_wrapper_around_the_original_function

def a_stand_alone_function():
    print("I am a stand alone function, don't you dare modify me")

Generators the manual way

a_stand_alone_function = my_shiny_new_decorator(a_stand_alone_function)

Generators the proper way

def another_stand_alone_function():
    print("Leave me alone")

According to the place where I got the new answer from the 'manual' way and the 'proper way' are the same .

I think this example may have caused me to get stuck as I was trying to extend it to when there were parameters involved.

I now realise that what I was imagining didn't make sense

I thought that the original code I posted was equivalent to this

divide = smart_divide(divide(a,b))

which if executed would look like this

def smart_divide(divide(a,b)):
   def inner(a,b):
      print("I am going to divide",a,"and",b)
      if b == 0:
         print("Whoops! cannot divide")

      return func(a,b)
   return inner

But this would cause divide(a,b) to be executed right in the top line

in the new example 'a_stand_alone_function' did not have () on the end. Which means it was treated as an object.

So my idea of it looking like this def smart_divide(divide(a,b)): doesn't make sense because the function won't be treated as an object anymore

This leaves me confused as to how smart_devide get the information passed as a parameter.

No, your decorator returns inner as new implementaion for divide . Thus, you first call the function inner when your program executes divide(1, 2) for instance. Calls to divide have always to respect the signature of inner (and divide as in your code).

A function like

def divide(a, b):  # signature
    return a / b   # implementation or body

consists of two parts. The signature describes the parameters, and the implementation what the function does.

Your decorator will only modify the implementation of your function as follows:

def divide(a, b):                            # signature remains unmodified
    print("I am going to divide",a,"and",b)  # implementation of inner
    if b == 0:
        print("Whoops! cannot divide")
    return a / b                             # call to the original implementation of divide   

The name and the signature of divide remains the same. Thus, the signature of inner matters, and not the signature of your decorator.

smart_divide doesn't get a and b passed into it. It returns a function object (the inner function), and that function gets a and b passed into it .

You can see what's actually happening if you try this:

def smart_divide(func):
   print("I am running in smart_divide; func=", func)
   def inner(a,b):
      print("I am going to divide",a,"and",b)
      if b == 0:
         print("Whoops! cannot divide")

      return func(a,b)
   print("I am returning from smart_divide")
   return inner

print("I am running at top level before declaring divide")

def divide(a,b):
    return a/b

print("The name 'divide' now refers to", divide)

print("I am now going to call the divide function")
divide(1, 2)

This outputs:

 I am running at top level before declaring divide I am running in smart_divide; func= <function divide at 0x108ff2bf8> I am returning from smart_divide the name 'divide' now refers to <function smart_divide.<locals>.inner at 0x10565db70> I am now going to call the divide function I am going to divide 1 and 2 

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