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How do I assign a command to a variable

I am new to Python and when writing a loop module i bumped into the problem that I can't to find a way to put a command in the 'loopme' (it just gets ignored and then the script goes on). I hope you guys can help me with my problem. Thanks in advance :D!

   def loop(loopme):
        start = 'y'
        while True:
            start != 'y'
            restart = input('restart? (y/n) ')
            if restart == 'y':
                start = 'y'
            elif restart == 'n':
                print('invalid input')

            loopme   #it works with print('hi')

            if start == 'y':
                start = 'n'

Assuming you want to execute loopme before the last if statement, you can pass any function to loop as a parameter and then call it.


>>> def loop(loopme):
...     # some code
...     loopme()
...     # some more code
>>> def loopme(): print('hi  there, i am loopme!')
>>> loop(loopme)
hi  there, i am loopme!

Note that you must explicitly call loopme by adding the () , just stating the function name will do nothing useful.

(Also note that it is not necessary to call loop 's argument loopme , you could have named it some_function and then call some_function() in loop 's body.)

is there a way to make the 'def loopme()' ask what it is supposed to say?

Of course!

>>> def asker():
...     print(input('What do you want to say? '))

>>> loop(asker)
What do you want to say? Hello World!
Hello World!

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