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Error compiling R locally via bash file

I am trying to compile R locally using a bash file, but it fails and shows the following error:

tar: command not found
cd: R-3.2.5: No such file or directory
./configure: No such file or directory
make: *** No targets specified and no makefile found.  Stop.
make: *** No rule to make target `install'.  Stop.
R-3.2.5/lib64/R/bin/R: No such file or directory
sed: command not found
mv: command not found
tar: command not found

Bellow is the bash file I am submitting:

tar -xzvf R-3.2.5.tar.gz
cd R-3.2.5
./configure --prefix=$(pwd)
make install
cd ..
R-3.2.5/lib64/R/bin/R -e 'install.packages(c("BGLR"), 
repos="http://cran.cnr.berkeley.edu/", dependencies = TRUE)'
sed -i '/^R_HOME_DIR=/c R_HOME_DIR=$(pwd)/R' R-3.2.5/lib64/R/bin/R
mv R-3.2.5/lib64/R ./
tar -czvf R.tar.gz R/

When I run the same command lines directly on terminal it works fine, but when I try to run them using a bash file it fails.

Does anyone have an idea how to make it work?

The bash instance used to run the script doesn't seem to have the $PATH variable correctly set, so it can't find tar and the other commands.

Try replacing the 1st line with #!/bin/bash -l . Add echo Path: $PATH as the 2nd line and see if one of the directory listed actually contains tar. You should get something like /bin:/sbin:/usr/bin/ .

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