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Stored Procedure/SQL script that allows me to add a record to a table

I have 2 tables, one with all the email data, and another with all the specific member email data that one creates a row if an email has been read. Once an email has been read by a member its added to the Member_email_read table (which is created and populated based on all read emails).

I am trying to set (on mass) all of the messages to read (this would populate the Member_email_read table) but whilst I can add them one at a time (see the stored procedue below), I am unable to add them on mass.

The two tables are Email, which holds a record for every email into the system. The other table is a table of all email that the member has read. Each time an email is read a record is added to the Member_email_read table. They are assiocited on the message_id (and both should use the same user_id). The two tables are as follows -

SELECT [member_email_id]
FROM [MemberData].[dbo].[Member_email_read]

FROM [MemberData].[dbo].[Email]

To set all the messages (for a certain user) to unread all I would have to do is delete every record from that table for that user, which can be done with the following:

DELETE FROM [MemberData].[dbo].[Member_email_read]
WHERE [member_email_FK_message_id_FK_user_id] ='2';

I am basically looking for the reverse of this delete.

I have created a Stored procedure that allows for the setting of ONE specific email to be set to read, however this stored procedure (when executed) requires the member to enter a email_id, message_id, user_id, status, read_datetime & delete_datetime.

CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[set_member_email_to_read]

@member_email_id int,
@member_email_FK_message_id int,
@member_email_FK_user_id int
@member_email_status varchar(1),
@member_email_read_datetime dateTime,
@member_email_delete_datetime dateTime

if not exists (Select * from [dbo].[Member_email_read] where [member_email_FK_message_id] = @member_email_FK_message_id) begin
insert into [dbo].[Member_email_read]

SELECT Convert(int,SCOPE_IDENTITY()) As InsertedID

end else begin
    update [dbo].[Member_email_read] set
   [member_email_FK_message_id]         =   @member_email_FK_message_id
  ,[member_email_FK_user_id]            =   @member_email_FK_user_id
  ,[member_email_status]                =   @member_email_status
  ,[member_email_read_datetime]         =   @member_email_read_datetime
  ,[member_email_delete_datetime]       =   @member_email_delete_datetime

where [member_email_FK_user_id] = @member_email_FK_user_id
if (@@ERROR = 0) begin
    SELECT Convert(int,@member_email_FK_user_id) As InsertedID

I was hoping to create a stored procedure (or general SQL script) that would allow me to enter in a user_id and then allow for all emails for that user to change from unread to read (populate the Member_email_read table).

You can try using MERGE to perform a bulk insert / update from your Email table into your Member_email_read table:

MERGE [MemberData].[dbo].[Member_email_read] AS tgt  
    SELECT message_id, user_id, 'R', null, CURRENT_TIMESTAMP
    FROM [MemberData].[dbo].[Email] 
    WHERE user_id = @UserId
) AS src (MessageId, UserId, Status, ReadDate, DeleteDate) 
ON (
    tgt.member_email_FK_message_id = src.message_id
    AND tgt.member_email_FK_user_id = src.user_id
    UPDATE SET tgt.member_email_status = src.Status,
               tgt.member_email_read_datetime = src.ReadDate,
               tgt.member_email_delete_datetime = src.DeleteDate
    INSERT (member_email_FK_message_id, member_email_FK_user_id, 
            member_email_status, member_email_read_datetime, member_email_delete_datetime)  
    VALUES (src.MessageId, src.UserId, src.Status, src.ReadDate, src.DeleteDate)

This should work, though as I mentioned in my comment above, you should rethink your table design and simply add a read_datetime and delete_datetime (possibly a status column if you really need that as well) to your Email table, rather than having a whole separate table simply to hold records identifying a delete status.

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