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Convert JSON array into CSV using jq

I have JSON file called temp.json.

  "users": [
      "username": "jack",
      "email": "jack@somewhere.com",
      "total running apps": "1",
      "api-mock-app": "0",
      "flogo": "1",
      "ipaas": "0",
      "nodejs-app": "0"
      "username": "jill",
      "email": "jill@somewhere.com",
      "total running apps": "1",
      "api-mock-app": "0",
      "flogo": "1",
      "ipaas": "0",
      "nodejs-app": "0"

i want to convert this JSON into CSV lilke this,

username email              total running apps api-mock-app flogo ipaas nodejs-app
jack     jack@somewhere.com 1                  0            1     0     0
jill     jill@somewhere.com 1                  0            1     0     0

I tried this

jq -r '.users[] | keys[0] [.username, .email, ."total running apps", ."api-mock-app", .flogo, .ipaas, ."nodejs-app"] | join(", ") | @csv' temp.json`

But i am getting error

q: error (at temp.json:22): Cannot index string with string "jack"`

Can anyone explain where am i making mistake and please let me know the correct answer.

jq solution:

jq -r '(.users[0] | keys_unsorted), (.users[] | to_entries | map(.value))|@csv' temp.json

The output:

"username","email","total running apps","api-mock-app","flogo","ipaas","nodejs-app"


jq -r "(.users[0] | keys_unsorted),  (.users[] | map(.) | @csv)"

I tried this, and it worked perfectly,

jq -r '(.users[0] | keys), (.users[] | [.username, .email, ."total running apps", ."api-mock-app", .flogo, .ipaas, ."nodejs-app"]) | @csv' temp.json

output format is.

"api-mock-app","email","flogo","ipaas","nodejs-app","total running apps","username"

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