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Parsing Java String Special Character Error

I want to parse a string in order to get the value of an attribute.For example i have the following String: calling_number=+385317KFWVM, call_direction=I, conversation_duration=29,

Each attribute and its value is separated by commas.I have declared the name and the type of each attribute in a class named MessageBean.

public static void main(String[] args){

 try {
        MessageBean attributes_bean =  MessageBean.parse("calling_number=+385317KFWVM, call_direction=I, conversation_duration=29,");
    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
        // TODO Auto-generated catch block

public class MessageBean {

    private String calling_number;
    private String call_direction;
    private int conversation_duration;

    public static MessageBean parse(String line) throws UnsupportedEncodingException {
        MessageBean bean = new MessageBean();
        line = URLDecoder.decode(line, "utf-8");
        bean.setCalling_number(MessageBean.getParameter(line, "calling_number"));
        bean.setCall_direction(MessageBean.getParameter(line, "call_direction"));
        bean.setConversation_duration(Integer.parseInt(MessageBean.getParameter(line, "conversation_duration")));

    return bean;

    private static String getParameter(String line, String name) {
        String value = "";

        Pattern p = Pattern.compile(name + "=([^,]*),");
        Matcher m = p.matcher(line);
        if (m.find()) {
            value = m.group(1);

       return value;


I expect my result to be +385317KFWVM, I, 29 .

Instead i get 385317KFWVM, I, 29 which means that i miss the + sign.I understand that there is a problem with my regular expression.I have tried everything like \\+ but i still don't get the right results.Any help?

当您运行URLDecoder.decode(line,“ utf-8”)时,将从字符串中删除+。

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