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How to calculate average in SQL?

lets say I have the following table:

**FOOD**  | **AMOUNT**
  Bread   |   2
  Banana  |   5
  Pizza   |   4
  Apple   |   57
  Mandarin|   9
  Orange  |   8

Final result:

  Bread  |  Percentage Of Total
  Banana |  percentage of total

etc etc

I tried it in every single way, but couldn't find a solution. I hope someone can help me.

Using ANSI SQL (and SQL Server supports this syntax), you can do:

select food, sum(amount),
       sum(amount) / sum(sum(amount)) over () as proportion_of_total
from t
group by food;

Note: Some databases do integer division, so you may need to convert to a floating point or fixed point type.

We can also try like below-

     food VARCHAR(15)
    ,amount INT

('bread', 2)
,('banana', 5)
,('pizza', 4)
,('apple', 57)
,('mandarin', 9)
,('orange', 8)

    ,SUM(amount) OVER() TotalAmount
    ,SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY food) PerFoodTotal
    ,CAST(SUM(amount) OVER (PARTITION BY food) * 100. / (SUM(amount) OVER()) AS DECIMAL(10,2)) [Percentage Of Total]
FROM @tbl


food            TotalAmount PerFoodTotal Percentage Of Total
--------------- ----------- ------------ ---------------------------------------
apple           85          57           67.06
banana          85          5            5.88
bread           85          2            2.35
mandarin        85          9            10.59
orange          85          8            9.41
pizza           85          4            4.71

(6 row(s) affected)

You can try something like this:

declare @tbl as table (
    food varchar(15)
    ,amount int

insert into @tbl values
('bread', 2)
,('banana', 5)
,('pizza', 4)
,('apple', 57)
,('mandarin', 9)
,('orange', 8)

select SUM(amount) from @tbl

    ,SUM(amount) as [food amount]
    ,(SUM(cast(amount as numeric(18,2))) / (select sum(cast(amount as numeric(18,2))) from @tbl)) * 100  as [Percentage Of Total]
    ,(select sum(amount) from @tbl) as total
from @tbl
group by food

Here you got a way fo getting the PercentageOfTotal, asuming that the sum of all will not be 0


SELECT FOOD, CAST((CAST((100 * AMOUNT) AS DECIMAL (18,2)) / @total  ) AS DECIMAL(18,2)) AS PercentageOfTotal from Table1

SQL Fiddle

MS SQL Server 2014 Schema Setup :

CREATE TABLE MusicGenres (name varchar(10)) ;
INSERT INTO MusicGenres (name)
VALUES ('Pop'),('Techno'),('Trance'),('trap'),('Hardcore'),('Electro') ;

CREATE TABLE Table2 (SongID int, MusicGenres varchar(10)) ;
INSERT INTO Table2 (SongID, MusicGenres)
VALUES (1,'Hardcore')

Query 1 :

SELECT s1.name
  , s1.recCount
  , ( s1.recCount / CAST( ( SUM(recCount) OVER() ) AS decimal(5,2) ) )*100  AS pct
    SELECT m.name
      , count(t.SongID) AS recCount
    FROM MusicGenres m
    LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 t ON m.name = t.MusicGenres
    GROUP BY m.name
) s1

Could be shortened to

SELECT m.name
  , count(t.SongID) AS recCount
  , ( count(t.SongID) / CAST( ( SUM(count(t.SongID)) OVER() ) AS decimal(5,2) ) 
)*100  AS pct
FROM MusicGenres m
LEFT OUTER JOIN Table2 t ON m.name = t.MusicGenres
GROUP BY m.name

Results :

|     name | recCount |     pct |
|  Electro |        2 | 18.1818 |
| Hardcore |        3 | 27.2727 |
|      Pop |        5 | 45.4545 |
|   Techno |        0 |       0 |
|   Trance |        0 |       0 |
|     trap |        1 |  9.0909 |

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