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Python Packaging multiple subpackages with different data directories

I have a structure of the directory as such with foobar and alphabet data directories together with the code something.py :


And the goal is such that users can pip install the module as such:

pip install mylibrary[alphabet]

And that'll only include the data from the packages/alphabet/* data and the python code. Similar behavior should be available for pip install mylibrary[foobar] .

If the user installs without the specification:

pip install mylibrary

Then it'll include all the data directories under packages/ .

Currently, I've tried writing the setup.py with Python3.5 as such:

import glob
from setuptools import setup, find_packages

  name = 'mylibrary',
  packages = ['packages'],
  package_data={'packages':glob.glob('packages' + '/**/*.txt', recursive=True)},

That will create a distribution with all the data directories when users do pip install mylibrary .

How should I change the setup.py such that specific pip installs like pip install mylibrary[alphabet] is possible?

Firs you have to package and publish alphabet and foobar as a separate packages as pip install mylibrary[alphabet] means

pip install mylibrary
pip install alphabet

After that add alphabet and foobar as extras :

    extras = {
        'alphabet': ['alphabet'],
        'foobar': ['foobar'],

The keys in the dictionary are the names used in pip install mylibrary[EXTRA_NAME] , the values are a list of package names that will be installed from PyPI.

PS. And no, you cannot use extras to install some data files that are not available as packages from PyPI.

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