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How to replace nth character occurence with another character

Given this string:


...how would one convert it to this:


The match will always be on the 3rd occurrence of . .

I'm running this in a PowerShell script.

I've tried too many permutations to list here; so far I haven't even come close.


In addition, the second and third octets (the month and day) will vary between one and two digits. The fourth (the release for that day) may also contain three digits.



You can use split and join

$split=$var -split '\.'
($split[0..2] -join '.') + '-' + $split[3] 

There is not a way to target and replace the nth occurrence of a character, so we just have to target the whole string and copy over the unchanged parts

"2017.12.21.5" -replace '(\d{4}\.\d{2}\.\d{2})\.(\d*)', '$1-$2'

Edit: I simplified the last Function to this.

$InputStr = "2017.12.21.5"
$matchVal = '.'
$num = 3

#searched is:

$positions = (0..($InputStr.ToCharArray().Count-2)|ForEach-Object{$InputStr.IndexOf($matchVal,$_)}|Select-Object -Unique)
if($num -lt $positions.Count+1){
    $OutputStr = $InputStr.Remove($positions[$num-1],1).Insert($positions[$num-1], $replaceVal)

so it gets all positions of the $matchVal in $positions and then checks if $num <= Count of positions. If so, the $InputStr 's char at $position[$num-1] will be replaced with the $replaceVal .

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