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How to access variables from .yaml file to robot framework script?

I have Myvariable.yaml file and sample.robot file, I wanted to use the variables from .yaml file to robot file

  • Myvariable.yaml file:

     ACFC NEWS: Doc_Title: XPath=//div[@class='ng-scope'] Open_Selector: xpath=//button[@class='btn btn-default ng-binding]
  • Sample.robot file

     ***Settings**** Variables Myvariable.yaml ***Keywords**** Choose Topic: Input Text ${Doc_Title} "Some text" Click Button ${Open_Selector}

Error: Variable not found

It would be great if any one can help me in solving this issue.

you need to access the attributes of yaml file like ${DICT.one} more information here


your modified code

*** Settings ***
Variables    Myvariable.yaml

*** Test Case ***
    Choose Topic
Choose Topic
       Log   ${ACFC NEWS.Doc_Title}
       Log   ${ACFC NEWS.Open_Selector}

I am assuming you are running the script with below command

pybot -V myvariable.yaml sample.robot

This should solve your problem now.

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