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Hybris: how to add my jsp tag inside another jsp tag which locates in another extention

I created addon and jsp tag, which is located at : bin\\custom\\Myaddon\\acceleratoraddon\\web\\webroot\\WEB-INF\\tags\\desctop\\product\\productList.tag

Here is code of productList.tag:

 <%@ tag body-content="empty" trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true" %>
 <%@ attribute name="product" required="true" type="de.hybris.platform.commercefacades.product.data.ProductData" %>

 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
 <%@ taglib prefix="spring" uri="http://www.springframework.org/tags" %>
 <%@ taglib prefix="ycommerce" uri="http://hybris.com/tld/ycommercetags" %>

 <div class="addmybutton">
       <form id="add_to_list_form" action="${addToListUrl}" method="post">
        <input name="code" type="hidden" value="${product.code}"/>
        <input name="isPostponed" type="hidden" value="false"/>
        <input type="hidden" name="CSRFToken" value="${CSRFToken.token}">
        <button id="add_to_list_submit_button" type="submit" class="b-btn b-btn--red i-fs14"><spring:theme

How i can make this jsp tag appear inside the jsp page (or any jsp tag) which locates in storefront?

For instance, if I want to add my jsp tag to productLayout1Page.jsp (which automatically created when we create storefront extention).

Location of productLayout1Page.jsp: bin\\custom\\myModule\\myModulestorefront\\web\\webroot\\WEB-INF\\views\\responsive\\pages\\product\\productLayout1Page.jsp

Here is a code of productLayout1Page.jsp:

 <%@ page trimDirectiveWhitespaces="true"%>
 <%@ taglib prefix="c" uri="http://java.sun.com/jsp/jstl/core"%>
 <%@ taglib prefix="template" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/responsive/template"%>
 <%@ taglib prefix="cms" uri="http://hybris.com/tld/cmstags"%>
 <%@ taglib prefix="product" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/responsive/product"%>

<product:productDetailsPanel />
<cms:pageSlot position="CrossSelling" var="comp" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSectionCrossSelling">
    <cms:component component="${comp}" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSectionCrossSelling-component"/>

<cms:pageSlot position="Section2" var="comp" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSection2">
    <cms:component component="${comp}" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSection2-component"/>

<cms:pageSlot position="Section3" var="comp" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSection3">
    <cms:component component="${comp}" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSection3-component"/>
<cms:pageSlot position="UpSelling" var="comp" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSectionUpSelling">
    <cms:component component="${comp}" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSectionUpSelling-component"/>
<product:productPageTabs />
<cms:pageSlot position="Section4" var="comp" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSection4">
    <cms:component component="${comp}" element="div" class="productDetailsPageSection4-component"/>

I should add code only to my addon. All changes should appear on storefront only after ant all .


  1. First you need to place your tags under any sub folder in WEB-INF\\tags. I see you already place there.

  2. Second you need to import your tags in any other jsp or tags like below.

    <%@ taglib prefix="myOwnTag" tagdir="/WEB-INF/tags/custom/folder/" %>

    In the tagdir, Do not mention the tag name, just leave until the directory it is in. So in your case this will be <%@ taglib prefix="myOwnTag" tagdir="WEB-INF\\tags\\desctop\\product" %>

  3. use the tag like below whether in jsp or another tag


    In your case this will be


Check my code in the image. I created an year.tag which i used in an other.tag which i used in index.jsp page.


Hope this helps you how to use tags in jsp's and another tag's.

If you want to edit html content of a page without making changes to the storefronts files, you have 2 options:

  1. Use existing content slots and adding cms components/actions to them. You can create components/actions inside your addon and add those components to your content slot using impex/cms cockpit. This option is very limited since you are constrained to existing content slots. more
  2. Create a completely new page inside an addon and overwrite the page in your storefront. This option involes a lot of copying content from A to B and i would not recommend it. If there is no really really good reason to use this option, consider option 1 or change the files in the storefont. more

In a lot of cases it is almost inevitable to change the content of the jsp files in the storefront.

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