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I am trying to find times in an array of objects using the value of my input field

I will try my best to explain this. I have an input field which allows the user to enter a certain time. I also have an array of attractions that have times with them. Once the user enters a time and clicks a button, all arrtactions with that time should load to dom. The event listener is working, but every attraction is printing, even the ones without times. Below is what I have so far. I believe I am just missing some minor details.

<input id="timeInput" type="text" placeholder="Ex: 1:00 PM">
    <button id="timeBtn">Show me Scheduled Events!</button>

let timeTest = [];
let timesArray = [];
let timeSearch = document.getElementById("timeInput");
$('#timeBtn').on('click',((e) => {
let timeSplit = timeTest[1].split(":");
let hourSelected = timeSplit[0];
let morningOrEvening = timeSplit[1];
.then((data) => {
    for(let i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { 
        if (data[i].times !== undefined) {
            if (timeValueCheck(data[i].times)) {
        else {
    timesArray.forEach(attraction =>{

let timeValueCheck= (timesArray) => {
    let timeSplit = timeTest[1].split(":");
    let hourSelected = timeSplit[0];
    let morningOrEvening = timeSplit[1];
    for (let i=0; i < timesArray.length; i++) {
        let splitArray = timesArray[i].split(":");
        console.log("super", splitArray);
        if (hourSelected === splitArray[0]){
            console.log("mega",hourSelected, splitArray[0]);
            return true;

    return false;

// this is what is inside controller.js

module.exports.getType = (attrData) => {
//creating new Promise to load when used in other functions
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
//getting our data from two ajax calls, attractions and attraction types
let p1 = factory.getAttractionData();
let p2 = factory.getAttTypes();
// empty array to push data into once we have manipulated it
let newDataWithTypes = [];
//promise all to get both data types before using them.
    .then((attrData) => { 
        // loop over the first array, all 132 attractions
        attrData[0].forEach(allAttractions => {
            // loop over second array, the 8 types
            attrData[1].forEach(typeofAttractions => {
                // if statement to add the types to each attraction based on their type id!
                    if (allAttractions.type_id === typeofAttractions.id) {
                        allAttractions.type = typeofAttractions.name;
                        // pushes to the array on 32

Array's index in javascript begins with 0.I think this is the problem. try this

let timeSplit = timeTest[0].split(":");...

instead of

let timeSplit = timeTest[1].split(":");...

该行不应该为“ 0”:

let timeSplit = timeTest[0].split(":")

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