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Python script error- Save output to a text file

I am trying to save the output to a file and the indentations are ok.. but I keep getting this error please see below:

This is the error below:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "command.py", line 36, in <module>
TypeError: expected a character buffer object

Can someone look at my code below and see what I am doing wrong. I am new to python so any help would be appreciated.

#Importing the necessary module. help
 from trigger.cmds import Commando

#Asking the user for input.
 devices = raw_input('\nEnter devices separated by comma: ')
 commands = raw_input('\nEnter commands separated by comma: ')

#Splitting the devices/commands entered by the user.
 devices_list = devices.split(',')
 commands_list = commands.split(',')

#Running all given commands on all given devices. 
 cmd = Commando(devices = devices_list, commands = commands_list)

#Executing all the work.

#Capturing the results
 output = cmd.results
#print output

#Asking the user if they want to print to screen or save to file.
 user_option = raw_input('Type "p" to print to screen or "s" to save to file: ')

 if user_option == 'p':
        print output

 elif user_option == "s":
        filename = raw_input('Please name your file. Example: /home/ubuntu/bgp.txt: ')

        #Print the output to file.
        with open(filename, 'w') as file:

        print "Done...Check out %s to see the results." % filename

#End of Program

Please help with this code

Convert output variable to string object using str method


with open(filename, 'w') as file:

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