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jquery ajax call is forcing response to lowercase

Hi I am making a AJAX Call from my .net Application in below manner

       type: 'POST',
       url: '@Url.Action("GetRouteUsingJobId", "Home")',
       contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
       dataType: "json",
       data: JSON.stringify({ "jobid": jobid }),
         success: function (result) {
           var response = result.result;
           var RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.features;
           //RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.Features; //ERROR
         error: function (request, status, error) {
           alert('Error: Unable To Get Route details.');

When I am trying to access Features from eSRIRouteResponse like below it is giving error

var RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.Features; //ERROR

But this working

var RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.features;

From my MVC Controller I am returning like below

ESRIRouteResponse eSRIRouteResponse=Some Value;
return Json(new { eSRIRouteResponse },JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet);

And my model class contains eSRIRouteResponse like below

public class ESRIRouteResponse
    public Features Features{ get; set; }

I am using JQUERY 3.2.1

What is the issue,How to rectify ?

RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.features;

you are basically accessing the other attributes inside the response. The response contains the data that has been sent back from the action. You cannot directly access your model properties in the response.


RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.Features;

the above won't work.

Would you try to remove dataType: "json" and parse the response manually.

     success: function (result) {
       var response = JSON.parse(result);
       RouteArray = response.eSRIRouteResponse.Features;

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