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How to flip an mp4 video horizontally in python?


Since the question is tagged moviepy :

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, vfx
clip = VideoFileClip('video.mp4')
reversed_clip = clip.fx(vfx.mirror_x)

See this page for a general list of predefined effects.

In ffmpeg, its easy to flip a video horizontally:

import ffmpeg
stream = ffmpeg.input('input.mp4')
stream = ffmpeg.hflip(stream)
stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, 'output.mp4')

Reference: ffmpeg-python Github

Well, you haven't mentioned that you need to preserve the audio as well. But, if you want to preserve audio in your clip you can do the following. Note, I have used moviepy library.

from moviepy.editor import VideoFileClip, vfx
video = VideoFileClip('sample.mp4')
out = video.fx(vfx.mirror_x)

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