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Accessing to base class of derived class by derived class C++

The function whoAmI() is supposed to return:

I am a Man
I am a Omnivore

But it just returns "I am a Man" twice:

class Animal
  string className;

class Omnivore:public Animal
        className = "Omnivore";

class Man:public Omnivore
    Man() {
        className = "Man";
     void whoAmI()
         cout << "I am a " << Omnivore::className << endl;
         cout << "I am a " << Omnivore::Animal::className << endl;

There's only one Animal::className , which is initialized to empty std::string by Animal 's constructor, then assigned to "Omnivore" by Omnivore 's constructor, then assigned to Man by Man 's constructor. So you got the same results, because they refer to same data member.

You can make them have their own data member with the same name; but note that it's not a good idea, the names in derived class will hide those in base class. eg

class Animal
  string className;

class Omnivore:public Animal
    string className;
        className = "Omnivore";

class Man:public Omnivore
    string className;
    Man() {
        className = "Man";
     void whoAmI()
         cout << "I am a " << Omnivore::className << endl;         // "Omnivore"
         cout << "I am a " << Omnivore::Animal::className << endl; // empty
         cout << "I am a " << className << endl;                   // "Man"

It is usually done this way:

class Animal
  static string className() { return "Man"; };

class Omnivore:public Animal
  static string className() { return "Omnivore"; };
  void whoAmI()
      cout << "I am a " << Omnivore::className() << endl;
      cout << "I am a " << Animal::className() << endl;

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