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c++ derived base class Friend function accessing private on Parent?

Please consider the scenario below:

    class A 
     friend void B::Itemfunction();
     int number;
     int size;

    class B : public A
     string Random;
     void Itemfunction();
     void CheckLog();


Would it be possible for an object made in Itemfunction of type A to access the private data members of obj? Such as:

    void B::Itemfunction(){
    A obj;
    //Possible to do...
    obj.number = 2;

I understand that the derived class B can access all the public parts of A, but if I wanted just one function (Itemfunction) to access the private parts would this be the correct way of doing it? I just want to see if my understanding is correct.


In your code, where you implement Itemfunction , you are creating a new, completely unrelated object of type A locally. In inheritance, your B object has an internal subobject of type A . You can access the fields of A directly within B . However, you can't access private members. Your friendship trick will not work; you cannot declare a method of B a friend until you see B s definition, but B can't be defined until A is defined, and as you can see we're going in circles. What you can do instead is to make that member protected:

class A 
  int number;
  int size;

void B::Itemfunction() {
  number = 2;

No, it's not possible. You cannot friend a class member function for a class that isn't yet completely declared.

The only way in that case (since class B needs a completely declared class A to inherit), is to forward declare class B; and friend the whole class:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

    class B;

    class A 
     // friend void B::Itemfunction();
     friend class B;
     int number;
     int size;
     void Randomfunction();

    class B : public A
     std::string Random;
     void Itemfunction();
     void CheckLog();


int main()

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This has a chicken and egg problem. Both B must be fully defined for A to see B::Itemfunction .

class A
    friend void B::Itemfunction(); <-- Itemfunction does not exist yet
    int number;
    int size;
    int Randomfunction();

class B: public A
    std::string Random;
    void Itemfunction();
    void CheckLog();


Swapping the order won't work either because B needs A to be defined to inherit from A .

class B: public A <-- A does not exist yet
    std::string Random;
    void Itemfunction();
    void CheckLog();


class A
    friend void B::Itemfunction();
    int number;
    int size;
    int Randomfunction();

Solution 1 is forward define class B so the compiler knows that B exists, even if it knows nothing about it, and then friend the whole class, because A only knows B exists. OP's friend relationship is maintained.

class B; <-- forward definition of B
class A
    friend class B; <-- friending all of B, not just the function 
    int number;
    int size;
    int Randomfunction();

class B: public A
    std::string Random;
    void Itemfunction();
    void CheckLog();


BUT! All of B now has complete access to all of A . If A wants to keep size or any other members hidden and under it's control, tough. B can call all of A 's functions and change all of A 's member variables. B can totally pown A .

This also doesn't scale to other subclasses. B can see all of A , but C and D cannot.

So say you have a less trivial example where A cannot allow anyone to mess with the value of size . Maybe it's the capacity of an internal array, and changing size will result in A running past the end of allocated memory. The reason doesn't matter much here; for the sake of this example no one but A is allowed to change size .

This leads us to solution 2: protected access and accessor functions.

class A
protected: <-- all inheritors can access members in this block. No one else can
    int number;
private: <-- only A can access members in this block
    int size;
    int Randomfunction();
    int getSize() <-- accessor function to provide read-only access to size
        return size;

class B: public A
    std::string Random;
    void Itemfunction(); <-- can do anything to number and read size
    void CheckLog(); <-- so can this


class C: public A
    std::string member;
    void doStuff(); <-- and this
    void DoOtherStuff(); <-- and this


B and C can access A::number and can use A::getSize to see the value of size . number can be changed by B and C , but size cannot. If you are worried about the cost of calling a function to read size , don't be. When the compiler is done with A::getSize , you won't even know it's there. It probably isn't.

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