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Using case in where clause with conditions in SQL

I have written the below query to take the hours based on conditions:

select  h.device_id,
from    dbo.network_hours h,
        dbo.monthly_class t
where   h.device_id = t.device_id
        and h.month_id = t.month_id
        case when h.group IN ('Adult','Zone','Family','Latino','Comedy','West')
             then h.hours >= 0.13333                                
        end h.hours >= 0.08333;

So the objective is :
There are a few classes whose hours I need to take if that value is >= 8mins(0.133 hrs) and for other classes which do not fall in the group the hours have to be >= 5min(0.0833 hrs). I have tried the above using CASE but not sure. There is no error as such but how do I make sure I am getting the correct values. Can someone please help me with this?

Why you do it so complex? Try replace case with h.hours >= 0.08333 or (h.group in ('Adult'....) and h.hours>=0.13333)) or if you preferred to use case h.hours >= case when h.group in ('Adult'....) then 0.13333 else 0.08333 end

Wouldn't that be

where h.hours >= 
  case when h.group in ('Adult','Zone','Family','Latino','Comedy','West') then 0.13333
       else 0.08333

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