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how do I check if I have the same variable inside two arrays, python, tkinter

I am trying to make a 20 questions game and I'm having trouble getting it to check if I have a certain variable inside of two different arrays.


wins = 0

loses = 0
def updateQandA(*args):
global wins, loses, answers, correctanswers
if correctanswers != answers:
    loses += 1
    if correctanswers == answers:
        wins += 1
answers = [Answers4, Answers8, Answers12

These variable do exist in my code:

correctanswers = [A2, A5,A10, A15, A20, A24, A25]
answers1 = OptionMenu(root, var, *Answers4, command = updateQandA).grid()

There are two arrays with a menu button and 4 options. One of the options in this option menu is A2. What is happening is that no matter what I pick, it just adds one to loses . The goal is to get it to where it recognizes that there is a correct answer in one of the 4 options and when I choose the correct answer, it adds one to wins .

If I understand your question correctly, and all you want to do is check whether the answer exists in the other array, you could use a for loop with an if statement:

for ans in answers:
    if ans in correctanswers:
        wins += 1
        loses += 1

If both arrays are of the same length, and the index in 'answer' corresponds with the index in 'correctanswer', you can use range():

for i in range(len(answers)):
    if answers[i] == correctanswers[i]:
        wins += 1
        loses += 1

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