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How to match a specific sentence with Regex

I'm new to Regex and I couldn't cope with matching this sort of sentence: Band Name @Venue 30 450 , where the digits at the end represent price and quantity.

string input = "Band Name @City 25 3500";
Match m = Regex.Match(input, @"^[A-Za-z]+\s+[A-Za-z]+\s+[\d+]+\s+[\d+]$");
if (m.Success)

You can use Regex and leverage usage of named groups. This will make easier to extract data later if you need them. Example is:

string pattern = @"(Band) (?<Band>[A-Za-z ]+) (?<City>@[A-Za-z ]+) (?<Price>\d+) (?<Quantity>\d+)";
string input = "Band Name @City 25 3500";

Match match = Regex.Match(input, pattern);


If you looked at the pattern there are few regex groups which are named ?<GroupName> . It is just a basic example which can be tweaked as well to fulfill you actual needs.

Here is a very old and elaborated way : 1st way

string re1=".*?";   // Here the part before @
  string re2="(@)"; // Any Single Character 1
  string re3="((?:[a-z][a-z]+))";   // Word 1, here city
  string re4="(\\s+)";  // White Space 1
  string re5="(\\d+)";  // Integer Number 1, here 25
  string re6="(\\s+)";  // White Space 2
  string re7="(\\d+)";  // Integer Number 2, here 3500

      Regex r = new Regex(re1+re2+re3+re4+re5+re6+re7,RegexOptions.IgnoreCase|RegexOptions.Singleline);
      Match m = r.Match(txt);
      if (m.Success)
            String c1=m.Groups[1].ToString();
            String word1=m.Groups[2].ToString();
            String ws1=m.Groups[3].ToString();
            String int1=m.Groups[4].ToString();
            String ws2=m.Groups[5].ToString();
            String int2=m.Groups[6].ToString();

In the above way you can store the specific values at a time . Like in your group[6] there is 3500 or what value in this format.

you can create your own regex here : Regex

And in a short, others given answers are right. 2nd way just create the regex with

"([A-Za-z ]+) ([A-Za-z ]+) @([A-Za-z ]+) (\d+) (\d+)"

And match with any string format. you can create you won regex and test here: Regex Tester

This one should work:

[A-Za-z ]+ [A-Za-z ]+ @[A-Za-z ]+ \d+ \d+

Can test it here.

With your code it'd be:

string input = "Band Name @City 25 3500";
Match m = Regex.Match(input, "[A-Za-z ]+ [A-Za-z ]+ @[A-Za-z ]+ \d+ \d+");
if (m.Success)

That is the answer to what I was trying to do:

string input = "Band Name @Location 25 3500";
Match m = Regex.Match(input, @"([A-Za-z ]+) (@[A-Za-z ]+) (\d+) (\d+)");
if (m.Success)

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