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ImportError: No module named 'basic' in Python

First of all, I am a Django rookie, so pls get that.

I am trying to set up local enviroment, so I can run a web page locally on a VM.

But I am getting ImportError: No module named 'basic' in Python error, no matter if I'm trying to run as su or not.

Django version is 2.0.2 Python is 3.4.3

This is my output

隐式相对导入在 Python 3 中不起作用。如果basic在您的设置目录中,那么导入应该是:

from .basic import *

Just here to give my two cents. There are huge advantages of using Vagrant . But since you just mentioned that you are a rookie. Can I interest you in virtual environment instead of virtual machine? It should get the work done as long as you are not doing something OS specific. Here's how it works:

$ mkdir project_name
$ cd project_name
$ python3 -m venv venv
$ source venv/bin/activate
$ django-admin startproject project_name

I also saw from your screenshot that you are logged in as root . May I please suggest you to not do that as it is bad practice?

And I think your import has a problem as @Alasdair suggested. Try putting a dot . in front of basic , which suggests that you are targeting the basic directory which resides in . , the current directory.

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