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Switching between Scenes in Java fx with fxml files and an Controller

In this programm i wanna switch between scenes by button click.I get an Exception on the line where i want to set the Location of the FXML Loader. In other Tutorials or posts i see it is done in the same way i did it.I also checked the Path to the fxml file a hundred times.

So the special case is to switch from QuestionTableViewController with the fxml of tableViewQuestion.fxml to the tableViewUser.fxml with the Controller UserTableViewController. At least i start the Programm in MyApplication.

Could that Exception arrive, because my Class is implementimg initializable? And if yes why and how to fix this? Or maybe because i have different Controllers for the fxml-files? but why and how could i fix this?

So now i ask you, where is my dumb fault at that Programm?

Controller with the switchMethod:

public class QuestionTableViewController implements Initializable{
        TableView<Question> questionTable;
    public void changeToUserDatabase() throws IOException {
         Scene quizScene = new Scene(FXMLLoader.load(getClass().
        Stage primaryStage = (Stage) questionTable.getScene().getWindow();

Start Method:

public class MyApplication extends Application {

    public void start(Stage primaryStage) throws Exception{
        Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("view/tableViewQuestion.fxml"));
        primaryStage.setTitle("Database of Century");
        primaryStage.setScene(new Scene(root, 750, 500));
    public static void main(String[] args) {


PS: I just show the methods i think are needed, of course i had a button with the onMouseClick method and a content for my tableView. If you think they could be relevant please commit and i will add it in the question. :)

The problem is that you are trying to access the resource in the wrong place. Based on what I read in this question , you should go up one directory to access the fxml file correctly. Try this:

    Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(getClass().getResource("../view/tableViewQuestion.fxml"));

Where .. should indicate looking at the parent directory.


The above will not work inside a packaged jar. To easily overcome your issue, create a class in the views package and use it to load resources.

For example create class ViewLoader in src/view and load your fxml files as follows:

    Parent root = FXMLLoader.load(ViewLoader.class.getResource("tableViewQuestion.fxml"));

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