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Aurelia Validation - What is the best way to access validation error on specific property?

I have a custom text-field component which encapsulates mdl textfield. I am passing desired value through its bindable property. I want to declare (and validate) validation rules in common view model and then pass possible validation error to each text-field (Which should display it however it wants).

my current pseudocode:


How can I pass validation error for value1 into first textfield and validation error for value2 into second?

The best i was able to do was:

    <div validation-errors.bind="firstValidationErrors">
    <div validation-errors.bind="secondValidationErrors">

But I have to create each validation errors array in viewmodel (I am not sure if I really have to but linting forces me to). And also I have to wrap every control in my page. Is there a better way?

Can I do something like this?



Since you want your text-field to have full control over displaying the errors, why not just make that into a validation renderer ?

It's quite straightforward:

  1. Inject ValidationController and Element into your custom element via the constructor

  2. On bind() you register it like so: this.controller.addRenderer(this);

  3. On unbind() you unregister it like so: this.controller.removeRenderer(this);

  4. Implement the render method like so:

     public render(instruction: RenderInstruction) { for (const { result } of instruction.unrender) { const index = this.errors.findIndex(x => x.error === result); if (index !== -1) { this.errors.splice(index, 1); } } for (const { result, elements } of instruction.render) { if (result.valid) { continue; } const targets = elements.filter(e => this.element.contains(e)); if (targets.length) { this.errors.push({ error: result, targets }); } } } 

That gives you the errors in your custom element. You might as well just directly do the rendering there though.

Note that this example I'm giving you is pretty much a copy-paste from the validation-errors custom attribute source

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