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What is the best way to handle validation in WPF?

i would like to implement the validation mechanism which simulates Errorprovider in winforms. i tried to use IDataErrorInfo but the problem is it is trying to perform validation on the form load. my requirement is i need to perform validation on click of a button in the page. Is there any other better approach to perform validation in WPF?

Sounds like you have validation figured out now it the easy part - prevent it from validating until needed.. Put a bool property on the class that implements IErrorInfo:

public bool IsReadyToValidate {get;set;}

in each property

public object SomeProperty
  get {return _someProperty;}
         if(_someProperty == value) return;
         _property = value;
               //do validation

or if you use attribute based validation:

    public string SomeProperty
        if(_someProperty == value) return;
             if(_property == value)
                            _property = value;
            RaisePropertyChanged(() => SomeProperty);

  private bool ValidateSomeProperty()
       bool isValid = true;
          //do validation

        return is valid;

On the click of your button, set the IsReadyToValidate to true and revalidate. Again it all depends on your implementations. Put maybe a method like this?

public void Validate()
        foreach (var prop in PropertiesWithValidators[GetType()])

        HasErrors = _errorDictionary.Count > 0;
        RaisePropertyChanged(() => Error);

or you could do some brute way, like restuffing the properties after you flipped the flag to validate

 public void Validate()
     IsReadyToValidate = true;
     //now it will validate:
     SomeProperty = SomeProperty;

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