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CONCAT columns without sub-query SQL Server

I was looking to see if there was a better approach to this query

The date field is formatted - 06-03-2018

I need a column that looks like eg Mar-18 eg

CONCAT(P.[Month] + '-', p.[Year]) AS [Month-Year]
left(datename(MONTH,[Date]),3) AS [Month]
,right(YEAR([Date]),2) AS [Year]

This gives me the result i want but i was wondering if there was anyway to get the same result without a sub-query. Thanks


select format(convert(date, '06-03-2018', 103), 'MMM-yy')

The query you've provided isn't valid, you need a comma ( , ) between column declarations (which you're missing.

Anyway, the query can be simplified to:

SELECT LEFT(DATENAME(MONTH,[Date]),3) + '-' + RIGHT(YEAR([Date]),2) AS [Month-Year]
FROM Table1;

I haven't used CONCAT here, as there is no need (as either both values will be NULL or have a value).

You Can Do the concatenation directly

    CAST(LEFT(datename(MONTH, [Date]), 3) AS VARCHAR(20))
    CAST(RIGHT(YEAR([Date]), 2) AS VARCHAR(20))
    FROM Table1;

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