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Postgres permission denied for relation <table>

I'm trying to learn Postgres and Ive made two basic tables and I can't join them together.

here is my list Of relations:

 Schema |     Name     |   Type   |  Owner
 public | login        | table    | postgres
 public | login_id_seq | sequence | postgres
 public | users        | table    | test
(3 rows)

When I use the command

SELECT * FROM users JOIN login ON users.name = login.name;

I get

ERROR: permission denied for relation login

I have no idea what to do or what I did wrong.

You should grant the SELECT permission to user test :

GRANT SELECT ON login TO test;

If if might allow test to modify login , you should grant other permissions as well:


You should execute these statements as database owner or as user postgres . In general, you can use

psql -Upostgres -dtest

if you're running this command on the same machine where the Postgres server is running.

You may also change the ownership of login to test :

ALTER SEQUENCE login_id_seq OWNER TO test;

But have to execute this as user postgres as well.

Edit : You can try to change the user with

SET ROLE 'postgres';

as suggested by @lat long .

So this is what I did to finally get it to work...I basically just went into the login properties on pgAdmin4, found the owner and switched it to test and ran: SELECT * FROM users JOIN login ON users.name = login.name; and finally got what I was looking for. Surprisingly a simple fix.

The "test" user doesn't have permission to login and use the related tables. Run the query with the "postgres" user:

SET ROLE 'postgres';

Then run your query.

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