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Repeat JUnit tests run with different setup

For example I have some tests based on Set<Integer> . I want to run them with TreeSet and then with HashSet . Can I do it without manual initialization inside test method body?

Something like this:

public class SomeTest {
    Set<Integer> set;

    public void init() {
        set = new HashSet<>();

//    @Before
//    public void init2() {
//        set = new TreeSet<>();
//    }


I want to run all tests with init() first and then with init2() . How can I do it?

A cleaner approach would be:

public abstract class SomeTestsForSets {
  Set<Integer> set;

  public abstract void init();

  //test cases...

public class HashSetTests extends SomeTestsForSets {

  public void init() {
    this.set = new HashSet<>();

public class TreeSetTests extends SomeTestsForSets {

  public void init() {
    this.set = new TreeSet<>();

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