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Counting number of documents in an index in elasticsearch

I'm doing a bulk operation to index 100 documents at once using the python ElasticSearch Client. I want to count the total number of documents in an index. So I do the bulk op and then count the number of documents in an index as below:

helpers.bulk(es_client, actions);

However the second line still returns the old count, and I tried to run the second line from a different file, which returns the correct result. I suspect that bulk op is not yet completed. Please correct me if I'm wrong, and what would be the workaround to do what I want?

get the index document count in python

es.cat.count(index_name, params={"format": "json"})

You have to use refresh API:

POST /index/_refresh

The refresh API allows to explicitly refresh one or more index, making all operations performed since the last refresh available for search. The (near) real-time capabilities depend on the index engine used. For example, the internal one requires refresh to be called, but by default a refresh is scheduled periodically.

For more info look at https://www.elastic.co/guide/en/elasticsearch/reference/current/indices-refresh.html

I found this in the examples that I attach below

res = es.count(index='your index', doc_type='your doc_type', body={'query': your query })["count"]

If it helps you, here are good examples of count with Python:


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