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Converting json string to map

I have a json string and my requirement is to covert into map, where key will be field of the json. below is my json


Key should look like "A->B->C->D1" and corresponding value V1,V2. Map signature should look like Map<String,List<String>> . Similar kind of question posted here but my problem is to create key out of json field.Let me know if more information is required. Thanks in advance.

I did something that answers the exact structure of yours where i changed the value of D3 to be also string:

class Wraper that is the whole object

    public class Wraper {
    public Wraper() {}
    @JsonProperty("A") A[] a;

class A

public class A {
    @JsonProperty("B") B[] b;

Class B

public class B {
    @JsonProperty("C") C[] c;

Class C

public class C {
    @JsonProperty("D1") String d1;
    @JsonProperty("D2") String d2;
    @JsonProperty("D3") String d3;
    @JsonProperty("D4") String d4;

And finally where I tested:

static final String JSON_VAL="{\"A\":[{\"B\":[{\"C\":[{\"D1\":\"V1\",\"D2\":\"X1\",\"D3\":\"Y1\",\"D4\":\"Z1\"},{\"D1\":\"V2\",\"D2\":\"X2\",\"D3\":\"Y2\",\"D4\":\"Z2\"}]}]}]}";

final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
final Wraper wraper = mapper.readValue(JSON_VAL, Wraper.class);

final Map<String,List<String>> map = new HashMap<>();

Arrays.stream(wraper.a).forEach(a -> {
    Arrays.stream(a.b).forEach(b -> {
        final List<String> d1 = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> d2 = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> d3 = new ArrayList<>();
        final List<String> d4 = new ArrayList<>();
        Arrays.stream(b.c).forEach(c -> {
        map.put("A->B->C->D1", d1);
        map.put("A->B->C->D2", d2);
        map.put("A->B->C->D3", d3);
        map.put("A->B->C->D4", d4);

Try Jackson using the correct Java class definitions (based on the JSON).

Here is some code:

public class topElement
    private ElementA[] A;

    public ElementA[] getA()
        return A;

    public void setA(
        final ElementA[] newValue)
        A = newValue;

public class ElementA
    private ElementB[] B;

    public ElementB[] getB()
        return B;

    public void setB(
        final ElementB[] newValue)
        B = newValue;

public class ElementB
    private ElementC[] C;

    public ElementC[] getC()
        return C;

    public void setC(
        final ElementC[] newValue)
        C = newValue;

public class ElementC
    private Map blammyMap;

    public Map getBlammyMap()
        return blammyMap;

    public void setBlammyMap(
        final Map newValue)
        blammyMap = newValue;

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