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Is there a good way of coloring tf.logging (tensorflow terminal printing)?

I am an intense Tensorflow user. So far, when I need to print something, I used to use the logging library with coloredlogs . These are very useful, and I could see what is going on more easily:

import logging
import coloredlogs
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
coloredlogs.install(level='DEBUG', logger=logger, ...)
logger.debug("-- preparing network..")   <-- eg, debug in green, info in cyan, ...

However, Tensorflow actually provides built-in tf.logging . For compatibility, I decided to use it. In this case, is there a way that I can assign some colors to tf.logging.{debug, info, warning, ...} ?

The module coloredlogs works for Tenosorflow in-built logging too.

from tensorflow import logging

I tried this. Working perfectly. But you should set both logging verbosity to same. Or coloredlogs log verbosity should be higher.

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