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Spring MVC Rest - multiple parameters at URL

I have "transit manager" application. It's a simply app to test how to use Spring framework. I've created endpoint for adding new transit to database (Spring Data) and it works fine. I have added a few transits and now I want to get daily report and here I have problems. This is how endpoint should looks like:

GET http://example.com/reports/daily?start_date=YYYY-MM-DD&end_date=YYYY-MM_DD

And response(in JSON) for example:

  "total_distance": "90",
  "total_price":      "115"

What I suppose to do? Should I add new fields "startDate" and "endDate" in model class?

This is how my model class looks:

public class Transit {

public Transit() {

@Column(name = "id")
private Long id;
private String sourceAddress;
private String destinationAddress;
private double price;
private DateTime date;
private Long distance;

public Long getId() {
    return id;

public void setId(Long id) {
    this.id = id;

public String getSourceAddress() {
    return sourceAddress;

public void setSourceAddress(String sourceAddress) {
    this.sourceAddress = sourceAddress;

public String getDestinationAddress() {
    return destinationAddress;

public void setDestinationAddress(String destinationAddress) {
    this.destinationAddress = destinationAddress;

public double getPrice() {
    return price;

public void setPrice(double price) {
    this.price = price;

public DateTime getDate() {
    return date;

public void setDate(DateTime date) {
    this.date = date;

public Long getDistance() {
    return distance;

public void setDistance(Long distance) {
    this.distance = distance;

Repository class:

public interface TransitRepository extends JpaRepository<Transit, Long> {
List<Transit> findAllByStartDateGreaterThanEqualAndEndDateLessThanEqual(DateTime startDate, DateTime endDate);

Controller class:

public class TransitController {
private TransitService transitService;

public void setTransitService(TransitService transitService) {
    this.transitService = transitService;

@RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public void addTransit(@RequestBody Transit transit){

@RequestMapping(path = "reports/daily", method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
    public void getDailyReport(){}


And service class:

public class TransitService {

private TransitRepository transitRepository;
public static final String API_KEY = "xxxxxx";

public void setTransitRepository(TransitRepository transitRepository) {
    this.transitRepository = transitRepository;

public void addTransit(Transit transit) {

public void calculateDistance(Transit transit) {

    GeoApiContext geoApiContext = new GeoApiContext.Builder().apiKey(API_KEY).build();
    DistanceMatrixApiRequest request = DistanceMatrixApi.newRequest(geoApiContext);

    DistanceMatrix result = request.origins(transit.getSourceAddress())

    long distance = result.rows[0].elements[0].distance.inMeters;


public void countDaily(List<Transit> transitList){


You should use the annotaion @RequestParam on the parameters you need to add to your method. The name in the annotaion is optional and defaults to the parameter name.

@RequestMapping(path = "reports/daily", method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public void getDailyReport(@RequestParam("start_date") String startDate, @RequestParam String end_date){}


Adding the fields to your Transit class would not work as the GET-Request has no request body and the parameters are not in the body anyway.

You should use @RequestParam annotation in your controller method.

@RequestMapping(path = "reports/daily", method = RequestMethod.GET, consumes = MediaType.APPLICATION_JSON_VALUE)
public void getDailyReport(@RequestParam("start_date") String startDate, @RequestParam("end_date") String endDate){

     // Create a method in service class, that takes startDate and endDate as parameters.

     // And inside that method, you can write a SQL query to find the distance & price for the given date parameters


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