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EntityFramework issue executing a query after migrate from Sql Server to MySQL

Ey, recently i have migrated a database from SQL Server to MySQL, installed the MySql.Data 6.10.6 and MySql.Data.Entity 6.9.11, updated the ADO Model from Mysql to regenerate all the *.cs's and the most of the code runs fine but im having an error when i try to execute this query:

List<int> ids = this.db.functions
              .Where(f => f.active == true
                     && f.actions
                       .Where(af => af.types.name == 'TYPE1'
                              && af.groups
                                 .Where(g => g.users
                                    .Where(u => u.uname == 'user1')
                                    .Count() > 0
                        .Count() > 0
               .Count() > 0

        .Select(f => f.mod.id)

I get this error:

Error de servidor en la aplicación '/'.
Unknown column 'Extent1.id' in 'where clause'
Descripción: Excepción no controlada al ejecutar la solicitud Web actual. 
Revise el seguimiento de la pila para obtener más información acerca del 
error y dónde se originó en el código. 

Detalles de la excepción: MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlException: Unknown 
column 'Extent1.id' in 'where clause'

And this is the log from EF building the query, i think here comes the problem, EF is not building the query fine :(

Opened connection at 17/04/2018 12:40:02 +02:00
COUNT(1) AS `A1`
COUNT(1) AS `A1`
COUNT(1) AS `A1`
FROM `user_group_user` AS `Extent5` INNER JOIN `user` AS `Extent6` ON 
`Extent6`.`id` = `Extent5`.`user_xref`
WHERE (`Project2`.`group_xref` = `Extent5`.`group_xref`) AND     
(`Extent6`.`uname`     = @p__linq__0)) AS `C1`
FROM `p_group_fun` AS `Extent4`
 WHERE (`Project1`.`fun_xref` = `Extent4`.`fun_xref`) AND     
(`Project1`.`action_xref` = `Extent4`.`action_xref`)) AS `Project2`) AS     
 WHERE `Project3`.`C1` > 0) AS `C1`
FROM `actions_fun` AS `Extent2` INNER JOIN `types` AS `Extent3` ON     
`Extent2`.`action_xref` = `Extent3`.`id`
 WHERE `Extent1`.`id` = `Extent2`.`fun_xref`) AS `Project1`) AS `Project4`
 WHERE (@gp1 = `Project4`.`name`) AND (`Project4`.`C1` > 0)) AS `C1`
FROM `functions` AS `Extent1`) AS `Project5`
 WHERE (1 = `Project5`.`active_b`) AND (`Project5`.`C1` > 0)) AS `Distinct1`
-- p__linq__0: 'user1' (Type = String, Size = 7)
-- @gp1: 'TYPE1' (Type = String, IsNullable = false, Size = 7)
-- Executing at 17/04/2018 12:40:03 +02:00
-- Failed in 3 ms with error: Unknown column 'Extent1.id' in 'where clause'

Closed connection at 17/04/2018 12:40:03 +02:00



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