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How to print all elements of String array in Kotlin in a single line?

This is my code

    fun main(args : Array<String>){
     var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")

      //How do i print the elements using the print method in a single line?

In java i would do something like this


Array has a forEach method as well which can take a lambda:

var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")
someList.forEach { System.out.print(it) }

or a method reference:

var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")


fun main(args: Array<String>) {
  val someList = arrayOf("United", "Chelsea", "Liverpool")
  println(someList.joinToString(" "))

This makes use of type inference, an immutable value, and well-defined methods for doing well-defined tasks.

The joinToString() method also allows prefix and suffix to be included, a limit, and truncation indicator.

You can achieve this using "contentToString" method:

var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")

[United, Chelsea, Liverpool]e

I know three ways to do this:

(0 until someList.size).forEach { print(someList[it]) }
someList.forEach { print(it) }

Hope you enjoyed it :)

You can do the same:

fun main(args : Array<String>){
    var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")

You could

fun main(args : Array<String>){
  var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")

  val sb = StringBuilder()
  for (element in someList) {
      sb.append(element).append(", ")
  val c = sb.toString().substring(0, sb.length-2)


United, Chelsea, Liverpool

alternatively you can use


in the for loop, or even easier use:

var d = someList.joinToString()

If it is solely for printing purpose then a good one liner is

 var someList : Array<String> = arrayOf("United","Chelsea","Liverpool")

Simply do this, no need to use loop and iterate by yourself. Reference


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