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Right way to choose and instantiate C# class depends on string value?

I have base class

public abstract class HostBehavior : SiteHost
    public abstract List<string> ParseNews(string url);

And many derived classes...

What is the best way to choose which constructor should be called depends on url?

Right now I have long sequence of "if else" statements like this example:

public static HostBehavior ResolveHost(string url)
    if (uri.IndexOf("stackoverflow.com") > 0)
        return new stackoverflowBehavior();
    else if(uri.IndexOf("google.com") > 0)
        return new googleBehavior();
    // and so on...
        throw new Exception...

I decided to give each class a custom attribute

[System.AttributeUsage(System.AttributeTargets.Class | System.AttributeTargets.Struct)]
public class HostAttribute : System.Attribute
    public string name;

    public HostAttribute(string name)
        this.name = name;

So my classes looks like

public class stackoverflowBehavior : HostBehavior

Now I can get all classes from assembly's folder|namespace

Assembly asm = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Type[] hostTypes = asm.GetTypes()
            .Where(a => a.IsClass && a.Namespace != null && a.Namespace.Contains(@"Hosts"))

Finally I need to find type with HostAttribute same as incoming url.Host

foreach(Type t in hostTypes)
     HostAttribute attribute = (HostAttribute)Attribute.GetCustomAttribute(t, typeof(HostAttribute));
     if (attribute.name ==  url.Host)
         return (HostBehavior)Activator.CreateInstance(t);

I want to thank everyone quotes, especially to Ed Plunkett.


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