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Installing opencv on raspberry pi b+ using annaconda

I am trying to install opencv using annaconda into raspberry pi. I have tried -

conda install opencv

conda install -c menpo opencv

I have also tried using

conda search -t opencv

I changed the channel as well using -

conda install --channel https://conda.annaconda.org/poppy-project opencv3

However, it adds /linux-armv7l/ to the channel and gives the following error message - Could not connect to https://conda.annaconda.org/poppy-project/noarch/ .Could not connect to https://conda.annaconda.org/poppy-project/linux-armv7l/ ..... Error: No packages found in current linux-armv7l channels matching: opencv3

You can search for this package on anaconda.org with

anaconda search -t conda opencv3

I need to install for python 2.7

Could anyone please help me install this?

Solved this issue by creating New environment with command:

conda create --name MyEnv python

After activating the environment by

source activate MyEnv

Then given following command

conda install --channel https://conda.anaconda.org/poppy-project opencv3

My issue resolved, hope it will help you!

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