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Reading txt file as a list instead of a string in python

I have a file that is made of lines of the following format:-

[123, something, some other thing, "text that i want", more details]


[1393349463, u'Tue Feb 25 17:31:03 +0000 2014', 438365537261735936, u'A Falcon character poster for Captain America: The Winter Soldier has swooped in', [], [u'totalfilm'], [u'//1bJdCJ2'], [u'http://pbs.twimg.com/media/BhViUNICQAAoBue.jpg'], 369, 362]

Now i want to read this as list directly into python instead of a string first and then spliting the string by , and joining it back and all because the text section can have a ',' and I dont want to split that.

I am looking for something like this:

with open("input.txt") as fp:
   for line in fp:
       corpus.append(line[3]) #read only text

Your input is obviously generated by calling just print ing out Python lists (or calling str or repr on them).

This particular example can be handled by using literal_eval :

with open("input.txt") as fp:
    for line in fp:
        obj = ast.literal_eval(line)

However, that won't work for all Python list displays in general. And when it doesn't work… well, there's not much you can do in general. But you can just literal_eval until you get an error, and then, for each error, laboriously work out how to pre-process things to work around it.

The right thing to do is generate output that's actually parseable, like JSON, and then you can just parse it trivially.

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