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explorer on Google Chart does not work - Polymer

I'm using the google-chart web components but the explorer (that allow zooming in and out) does not work. Here is the code :

 options: { type:Array, value:{ title: 'Today Consumption', curveType: 'function', chartArea:{ backgroundColor: '#E2E8ED', height: 300, width: 650, }, explorer: { axis: 'horizontal', keepInBounds: true, maxZoomIn: 4.0 }, height: 400, width: 830, backgroundColor:'#E2E8ED', colors:["#4882A8"]} } }, 
 <google-chart type="line" options='{{options}}' data='{{chartData}}'></google-chart> 

It looks like that : 图表 But I'm unable to zoom in or out..? Does someone have an idea of why it doesn't work?

explorer only works with continuous axes (such as numbers, dates or timeofday)

for the x-axis, use type --> 'timeofday'
which should be an array with 3-4 elements...

[hour, min, second]
[hour, min, second, milli]

the following should convert your string values to a valid 'timeofday'

var timeStr = '2h19m';
var hour = timeStr.split('h');
var min = hour[1].split('m');
var timeArr = [parseInt(hour[0]), parseInt(min[0]), 0];

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