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Python - append comma separated lists to a file

While making persistent API calls, I am looping over a large list in order to reorganize my data and save it to a file, like so:

for item in music:
    # initialize data container
    data = defaultdict(list)
    genre = item[0]
    artist= item[1]
    track= item[2]
    # in actual code, api calls happen here, processing genre, artist and track
    data['genre']= genre
    data['artist'] = artist
    data['track'] = track
    # use 'a' -append mode
    with open('data.json', mode='a') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps([data], indent=4))

NOTE : Since I have a window of one hour to make api calls (after which token expires), I must save data to disk on the fly, inside the for loop .

The method above appends data to data.json file, but my dumped lists are not comma separated and file ends up being populated like so:

    "genre": "Alternative", 
    "artist": "Radiohead", 
    "album": "Ok computer"
    "genre": "Eletronic", 
    "artist": "Kraftwerk", 
    "album": "Computer World"

So, how can I dump my data ending up with a list of lists separated by commas?

One approach is to read the JSON file before writing to it.


import json
for item in music:
    # initialize data container
    data = defaultdict(list)
    genre = item[0]
    artist= item[1]
    track= item[2]
    data['genre']= genre
    data['artist'] = artist
    data['track'] = track

    # Read JSON
    with open('data.json', mode='r') as f:
        fileData = json.load(f)

    with open('data.json', mode='w') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(fileData, indent=4))

Something like this would work

import json

music = [['Alternative', 'Radiohead', 'Ok computer'], ['Eletronic', 'Kraftwerk', 'Computer World']]

output = list()

for item in music:
    data = dict()
    genre = item[0]
    artist= item[1]
    track= item[2]
    data['genre']= genre
    data['artist'] = artist
    data['track'] = track

with open('data.json', mode='a') as f:
        f.write(json.dumps(output, indent=4))

My data.json contains:

        "genre": "Alternative", 
        "track": "Ok computer", 
        "artist": "Radiohead"
        "genre": "Eletronic", 
        "track": "Computer World", 
        "artist": "Kraftwerk"

For large datasets, pandas (for serializing) and pickle (for saving) work together like a charm.

df = pd.DataFrame()

for item in music:
    # initialize data container
    data = defaultdict(list)
    genre = item[0]
    artist= item[1]
    track= item[2]
    # in actual code, api calls happen here, processing genre, artist and track
    data['genre']= genre
    data['artist'] = artist
    data['track'] = track
    df = df.append(data, ignore_index=True)

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