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Using a Case statement for an alias

I'm trying to change the header of a column based on a variable

Currently I have

        WHEN GROUPING(CASE @@Role 
                         WHEN 2 THEN Processor 
                         WHEN 3 THEN Reviewer 
                      END) = 1 
           THEN 'Total' 
           ELSE (CASE @@Role 
                    WHEN 2 THEN Processor 
                    WHEN 3 THEN Reviewer 
     END) AS 'User',
    COUNT(EntityId) AS 'Tickets Processed'
    CASE @@Role 
       WHEN 2 THEN Processor 
       WHEN 3 THEN Reviewer 

Right now this returns the data I need for the correct role, however is there a way to change the second column's header based on the variable to something like

COUNT(EntityId) AS CASE @@Role 
                      WHEN 2 THEN 'Tickets Processed' 
                      WHEN 3 THEN 'Tickets Reviewed'  


Sample of current result:

@@Role = 2 or @@Role = 3

Both return:

User        Tickets Processed
Steve       1
Gerald      3
John        1
Paul        2
Peter       5
Total       12

Desired result:

@@Role = 2 

User        Tickets Processed
Steve       1
Gerald      3
John        1
Paul        2
Peter       5
Total       12

@@Role = 3

User        Tickets Reviewed
Steve       1
Gerald      3
John        1
Paul        2
Peter       5
Total       12

Sample data

EntityID    Processor   Reviewer
1           Peter       Bob
2           Peter       Paul
3           Peter       Bob
4           John        Paul
5           Peter       Bob
6           Peter       Bob

You can either use dynamic sql, or you can split the logic based on the @@role variable:

IF @@Role = 2 THEN {do Query A}
ELSE {do Query B}

But you definitely cannot base the column alias on the value of a variable in the context of a non-dynamic query.

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