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C# SetEquals on HashSet<List<float>> is false when expected true

A Python developer doing some C# (.NET 4.6, Visual Studio 2015 Professional) work here. I am trying to check whether two HashSet s are equal.

I have two HashSet<List<float>> which I am trying to compare using


However, this returns false on my data. Using the sample from the MSDN HashSet 's examples does work as expected. However, in the samples they use HashSet<int> whereas I use HashSet<List<float>> .

As I could not found a way to print the HashSet contents into Immediate Window in Visual Studio ( ToString returns "System.Collections.Generic.HashSet1[System.Collections.Generic.List1[System.Single]]" ), I use Json.NET JsonConvert.SerializeObject(thisList); to dump the data into a .json file on disk.

Two files (each for each HashSet contents is:

[[10.0,15.0],[20.0,25.0]] and [[10.0,15.0],[20.0,25.0]]

Inspecting the HashSet s in Visual Studio while debugging looks like this:

-       thisList    Count = 2   System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Collections.Generic.List<float>>
-       [0] Count = 2   System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
        [0] 10  float
        [1] 15  float
+       Raw View        
-       [1] Count = 2   System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
        [0] 20  float
        [1] 25  float
+       Raw View        
+       Raw View        
-       otherList   Count = 2   System.Collections.Generic.HashSet<System.Collections.Generic.List<float>>
-       [0] Count = 2   System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
        [0] 20  float
        [1] 25  float
+       Raw View        
-       [1] Count = 2   System.Collections.Generic.List<float>
        [0] 10  float
        [1] 15  float
+       Raw View        
+       Raw View        

Each HashSet contains two lists (order is not of relevance, since it is a set) and each list has identical values (with the same order). They should be considered equal.

What should I do to make these HashSet s to be considered equal with thisList.SetEquals(otherList); ?


Printing coord.ToString("G17") on each float:


Because you are using List in your HashSet, it is comparing the two lists as references instead of considering the values in the Lists.

Instead of using a List to represent an X and Y, use a Vector2 or Point class. This is more or less what the struct should look like:

public struct Point
    public double X {get; }
    public double Y { get; }

    public Point(double x, double y)
        X = x;
        Y = y;

    public bool Equals(Point other)
        return X.Equals(other.X) && Y.Equals(other.Y);

    public override bool Equals(object obj)
        if (ReferenceEquals(null, obj)) return false;
        return obj is Point && Equals((Point) obj);

    public override int GetHashCode()
            return (X.GetHashCode() * 397) ^ Y.GetHashCode();

You are trying to check equal operation of HashSet<List<float>> with another object of HashSet<List<float>> . The question here is that why it is returning false ?

Now, before we talk about HashSet<List<float>> , let's talk about if I check equal (using below code) for List<float> with another object of List<float> , then what would be the output?

    List<float> list = new List<float>() { 10.0f, 15.0f};
    List<float> anotherList = new List<float>() { 10.0f, 15.0f};


The output of this will be


Since here Equals compare the references of the objects (which aren't equal).

Now to solution to your problem

You should provide a EqualityComparer while initializing the HashSet which should check the type T as needed.

    HashSet<List<float>> HashSet1 = new HashSet<List<float>>(new FloatListComparer());

    HashSet<List<float>> anotherHashSet2 = new HashSet<List<float>>();


The output of above code is


The EqualityComparer I've written here is looks like as follows.

public class FloatListComparer : EqualityComparer<List<float>>
    public override bool Equals(List<float> list1, List<float> list2)
        return list1.SequenceEqual(list2);

    public override int GetHashCode(List<float> s)
        return base.GetHashCode();

Now question here is that why SetEquals is not working

If you check the implementation of SetEquals at here , then you will find that it calls the default comparer of T which works based on checking the reference of objects. By providing the Comparer, SetEquals uses the specified one.

Check the live fiddler here .

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