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Ansible handlers - exclusive restart or reload

I have a number of Ansible roles that notify handlers to either restart or reload systemd services. If a restart is notified, there's obviously no need to do a reload of the same service and trying to do both can lead to failure as the reload comes too quickly after the restart. Is there a way to configure the handlers so that the reload task only triggers if a restart task hasn't run?

Below is an example of my current restart/reload handler.

- name: Restart foo service
    name: foo
    daemon_reload: yes
    state: restarted
  become: yes

- name: Reload foo service
    name: foo
    daemon_reload: yes
    state: reloaded
  become: yes

You can notify a handler from a handler, so you can implement what you want, for example in this way (or using logical operators):

- name: Restart foo service
    foo_state: restarted
  changed_when: true
  notify: Reload foo service

- name: Reload foo service
    name: foo
    daemon_reload: yes
    state: "{{ foo_state | default('reloaded') }}"
  become: yes

Handler names are a matter of preference, I'm leaving them as they are.

The possible solution is to register handler's status and use it in when statement, so your sample will look like:

- name: Restart foo service
    name: foo
    daemon_reload: yes
    state: foo_restarted
  become: yes
  register: restarted

- name: Reload foo service
    name: foo
    daemon_reload: yes
    state: reloaded
  become: yes
  when: foo_restarted is not defined

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