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How to define an array of const pointers in C++?

Is there a way to define an array of pointers so that any pointer is const?

For example, can a char** array be defined so array[0] is const and array[1] is const, etc., but array is non-const and array[j][i] is non-const?

char* const * pointer; . then

pointer       -> non-const pointer to const pointer to non-const char (char* const *)
pointer[0]    -> const pointer to non-const char (char* const)
pointer[0][0] -> non-const char

If you want an array then char* const array[42] = { ... }; .

If you don't know the size of array at compile-time and have to allocate the array at run-time, you could use the pointer then

int n = ...;
char* const * pointer = new char* const [n] { ... };
delete[] pointer;

As you can see, you have to perform allocation and deallocation manually. Even you've said you don't want std::vector but for mordern C++ using std::vector or smart pointers is more appropriate.

For such a request you can use the magic tool cdecl (also available as a web UI here ):

$ cdecl -+ %c++ mode
Type `help' or `?' for help
cdecl> declare x as array of const pointer to char
char * const x[]

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