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C++ Pointer to const array of const pointers

I've created a const array of const pointers like so:

const char* const sessionList[] = {

What is the correct syntax for a regular non-const pointer to this array? I thought it would be const char** , but the compiler thinks otherwise.


const char* const (*ptr)[4] = &sessionList;
const char* const sessionList[] = { ... };

is better written as:

char const* const sessionList[] = { ... };

Type of sessionList[0] is char const* const .
Hence, type of &sessionList[0] is char const* const* .

You can use:

char const* const* ptr = &sessionList[0]; 


char const* const* ptr = sessionList; 

That declares a pointer to the elements of sessionList . If you want to declare a pointer to the entire array, it needs to be:

char const* const (*ptr)[4] = &sessionList; 


const char* const *

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