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select first and last record of each group horizontally

I have a table like 在此处输入图片说明

i want to select first and last record of every group by facility_id and created_at horizontally need to output like . i can do it vertically but need horizontally 在此处输入图片说明

with CTE as (
  ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by facility_id,name order by created_at asc ) ascrnk
  ,ROW_NUMBER() over (partition by facility_id,name order by created_at desc ) desrnk
  from TestTable
select T1.facility_id,T1.name,
  T1.value as "First_value",
  T1.created_at as "First created_at",
  T2.value as "Last_value",
  T2.created_at as "Last created_at"  
from (
  select * from cte
  where ascrnk = 1
) T1
left join (
  select * from cte
  where desrnk = 1 
) T2 on T1.facility_id = T2.facility_id and T1.name = T2.name


| facility_id | name | First_value |     First created_at | Last_value |      Last created_at |
|        2011 |    A |         200 | 2015-05-30T11:50:17Z |        300 | 2017-05-30T11:50:17Z |
|        2012 |    B |         124 | 2015-05-30T11:50:17Z |        195 | 2017-05-30T11:50:17Z |
|        2013 |    C |         231 | 2015-05-30T11:50:17Z |        275 | 2017-06-30T11:50:17Z |
|        2014 |    D |         279 | 2017-06-30T11:50:17Z |        263 | 2018-06-30T11:50:17Z |

SQL Fiddle Demo Link

I think this is much simpler using window functions and select distinct :

select distinct facility_id, name,
       first_value(value) over (partition by facility_id, name order by created_at asc) as first_value,
       min(created_at) as first_created_at,
       first_value(value) over (partition by facility_id, name order by created_at desc) as last_value,
       max(created_at) as last_created_at
from t;

No subqueries. No joins.

You can also use arrays to accomplish the same functionality, using group by . It is a shame that SQL Server doesn't directly support first_value() as a window function.

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