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how can I use C struct pointers in python using swig?

I have a pointer to a C structure and i need know how i can initialize the struct from python after generating the python library using swig.

I was able to compile the code and run swig without any errors , I was also able to import the library into python .

My aim is to learn how to use pointers with c/swig/python.

This is the c function i want to integrate into python :

#include <stdio.h>
#include "myswig.h"

myData* myhfun(myData *data){

    data->s = data->r1 + data->r2;
    printf("sum(%f+%f)=%f\n", data->r1, data->r2, data->s);
    return data;

This is the header file for the same:

//file myswig.h
struct myData{
  double r1;
  double r2;
  double s;

typedef struct myData myData;

myData* myhfun(myData *data);

My swig interface file looks like this

/* file: myswig.i */
%module myswig
#include "myswig.h"

/*my function */

myData* myhfun(myData *data);

Script to run swig and test:

swig -python -Isrc myswig.i 
gcc -Isrc -fPIC -I/usr/include/python3.5m -I/usr/include/x86_64-linux-gnu/python3.5m -lpython3.5m -c src/myswig.c myswig_wrap.c
gcc -shared -fPIC -o _myswig.so myswig.o myswig_wrap.o

python3 -c "import myswig"

I found one way to achieve this ,

first write a function which initializes a struct pointer and returns the pointer to the struct,

you call this function from the python side and store the pointer value in a variable ,

now you can pass this variable around as if it were a pointer :).

C functions

#include "myswig.h"

    myDataHolder* initStructMem(){
      myDataHolder *myStruct;
      return myStruct;

    myDataHolder* setVal(int a ,int b, myDataHolder *data){
      return data;

    int getSum(myDataHolder *data){
      data->s = data->r1 + data->r2;
      return 0;

    void printVal(myDataHolder *data){
      printf("sum of %d and %d = %d",data->r1, data->r2, data->s);

Python code

import myswig

x = myswig.initStructMem()
y = myswig.setVal(1,2,x)


Swig definition file

 /* file: myswig.i */
%module myswig
#include "myswig.h"

/*my func */

myDataHolder* initStructMem(void);

myDataHolder* setVal(int a ,int b, myDataHolder *data);
int getSum(myDataHolder *data);
void printVal(myDataHolder *data);

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