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Pointer to nth element of multi-dimensional array

I am wondering how to access the nth element of a multi dimensional array using a pointer to that array.

Assume I have the following

struct Struct_B
    bool asdf;

struct Struct_A
    int X;
    int Y;
    Struct_B *ptr;

typedef Struct_A new_typedef[10][20][30];

new_typedef Array;

// Set values within Array, including correctly setting ptr variable

// Within debugger, Array_ptr contains the correct data, identical to Array, as it should.
new_typedef* Array_ptr = &Array;

for ( int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
    for ( int j = 0; j < 20; j++) {
        for (int k = 0; k < 30; k++) {
            // Crashes on this conditional'
            // Within debugger, asdf is in some random location in memory, implying I am not accessing it correctly.
            // Same problem exists if I attempt to access X or Y
            if ( (*Array_ptr)[i][j][k].ptr->asdf) {
                // Do stuff

You have to dereference the pointer first:

(*Array_ptr)[i][j][k].X = 5;


if ( (*Array_ptr)[i][j][k].ptr->asdf) crashes

That's because .ptr is uninitialzied.

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