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Delete lines of text file if they reference a nonexistent file

I have a text file ( images1.txt ) with lists of .jpg names and I have a folder ( Bones ) with .jpg images. All image names are exactly 42 characters (including the file extension), and each is on a separate line containing the name and some information about the image. For example:


where everything after .jpg is my own personal notes about the photos. Bones contains many of the 4,000+ images named in images1 but not all. Using either the command prompt or python, how would I remove the lines from images1 which correspond to images not present in my Bones folder?


In python:

import os


with open('images1.txt', 'r') as image_file:
    with open('filtered_images1.txt', 'w') as filtered_image_file:
        for line in image_file:
            image_name = line[:LEN_OF_FILENAME]
            path_to_image = os.path.join('Bones', image_name)
            if os.path.exists(path_to_image):

Assuming images1.txt and Bones are in the same folder, if you run the above Python script in that folder you will get filtered_images1.txt . It will only contain lines that has a corresponding image in Bones .

This code will read the lines from image1.txt and create an image2.txt with the lines where the file exists in the bones directory.

IF EXIST image2.txt (DEL image2.txt)
FOR /F "tokens=1,* delims=," %%f IN ('TYPE "image1.txt"') DO (
    IF EXIST "bones\%%~f" (ECHO %%f,%%g >>"image2.txt")

I think the easiest way is to use the findstr command :

rem /* Search for lines in file `images1.txt` in a case-insensitive manner that literally begin
rem    with a file name found in the directory `Bones` which in turn matches the naming pattern;
rem    then write all matching lines into a temporary file: */
dir /B /A:-D "Bones\??????????????_???????_????????-??????.jpg" | findstr /LIBG:/ "images1.txt" > "images1.tmp"
rem // Overwrite original `images1.txt` file by the temporary file:
move /Y "images1.tmp" "images1.txt" > nul

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