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Angular pattern validation with regex

I need to make a password pattern validator

the password should have:

  • 1 uppercase letter
  • 1 lowercase letter
  • A number
  • A minimum length of 8.

I found this regex pattern:


however, the validator always claims my input is invalid

      actualValue: "Test1234"
      requiredPattern: "^/^(?=.*[A-Za-z])(?=.*d)[A-Za-zd!$%@#£€*?&]$"

according to https://regex101.com/r/AfAdKp/1 this value is supposed to be valid.

Edit: to clarify, Test1234 is supposed to work

You have multiple issues with your current regex:

  1. Your regex doesn't have a quantifier for character class
  2. Validators.pattern doesn't need delimiters but you threw one at beginning
  3. You should double escape tokens.

What you need is this:


See live demo here

You have to add the quantifier [A-Za-z\\d!$%@#£€*?&]{8,} to repeat the character class a minimum of 8 times and separate the assertions for an uppercase and lowercase character:



  • ^ Assert position at the start of the string
  • (?=.*[AZ]) Positive lookahead to assert that what follows is an uppercase character
  • (?=.*[az]) Positive lookahead to assert that what follows is an lowercase character
  • (?=.*\\d) Positive lookahead to assert that what follows is a digit
  • [A-Za-z\\d!$%@#£€*?&]{8,} Match any of the charachters in the character class 8 or more times
  • $ Assert position at the end of the line

 const strings = [ "A88888jf", "Aa88888jf", "Aa888jf", "AAAAAAAAAAA", "aaaaaaaaaaaaaa", "2222222222222222", "1sAdfe44", "$#fd#######" ]; let pattern = /^(?=.*[AZ])(?=.*[az])(?=.*\\d)[A-Za-z\\d!$%@#£€*?&]{8,}$/; strings.forEach((s) => { console.log(s + " ==> " + pattern.test(s)); }); 

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