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Create an IPv4 address and increment it with expected output


Avoid using custom functions and go with the netaddr package. Just create a netaddr.IPNetwork object for network and you should be able to get the nth address by referring it as netaddr.IPNetwork('')[n] or you can create an iterator as netaddr.IPNetwork('').iter_hosts()

You should be able to get it by doing pip install netaddr

>>> from netaddr import IPNetwork
>>> net = IPNetwork('') 
>>> net[1]                       
>>> str(net[1])

More examples

>>> str(net[255])  
>>> str(net[256])  
>>> str(net[65535])
>>> str(net[65536])

The ipaddress module in the standard library lets you do arithmetic on IP addresses in the obvious way, and conversion to and from integers, and to and from dotted-quad strings.

I'm not sure what you're trying to do, but whatever it is, it's easy.

For example, here's an iterator over all 4 billion IPv4 addresses:

def all_addrs():
    for i in range(0, 1<<32):
        yield ipaddress.IPv4Address(i)

Or, if you prefer:

def all_addrs():
    addr = ipaddress.IPv4Address(0)
    while True:
        yield addr
            addr += 1
        except ValueError:

Or, if you want to iterate the first 256, then do three special addresses after that:

def weird_259():
    for i in range(256):
        yield ipaddress.IPv4Address(i)
    yield ipaddress.IPv4Address('')
    yield ipaddress.IPv4Address('')
    yield ipaddress.IPv4Address('')

If you want to do other things, read the docs for IPv4Address . Notice that you can construct an address from:

  1. A string in decimal-dot notation…
  2. An integer…
  3. An integer packed into a bytes object of length 4 (most significant octet first).

So, let's say you want to make one out the octets 0, 127, 255, 255. How could you do that? First, you create a bytes with those values:

bytes([0, 127, 255, 255])

… and then you create an address with those bytes:

ipaddress.IPv4Address(bytes([0, 127, 255, 255]))

If you want to, you can wrap that up in a function:

def makeaddr(a, b, c, d):
    return ipaddress.IPv4Address(bytes([a, b, c, d]))

So, if you wanted the 256 addresses of the form 0.0.0.x , and the 256 of the form 0.0.x.255 , and 0.x.255.255 , and x.255.255.255 , that's trivial:

def make_1024():
    for x in range(256):
        yield makeaddr(0, 0, 0, x)
    for x in range(256):
        yield makeaddr(0, 0, x, 255)
    for x in range(256):
        yield makeaddr(0, x, 255, 255)
    for x in range(256):
        yield makeaddr(x, 255, 255, 255)

And if you want to print them out in the default (decimal-dot) notation, just print them:

for addr in make_1024():

Range from 0 to 16777216 (which is 2 ** 24, as your title requesting for , or 4294967296 which is 2 ** 32 as your question body requesting for ), then bitwise AND 0xff , 0xff00 , 0xff0000 , 0xff000000 to extract the corresponding bits, and shift them right to print with format.

for i in range(0, 2 ** 24): # modify to 2 ** 32 if you want to generate output to
    byte3 = i & 0xff
    byte2 = i & 0xff00
    byte1 = i & 0xff0000
    byte0 = i & 0xff000000
    print('%d.%d.%d.%d' % (byte0 >> 24, byte1 >> 16, byte2 >> 8, byte3))

you can use struct lib.

import struct

n = 257

y1, y2, y3, y4 = struct.Struct('<I').pack(n & 0xFFFFFFFF)

print("{0}.{1}.{2}.{3}".format(y4,y3,y2,y1)) # OUTPUT:

I stands for big integer (4 bytes), < stands for big endian (bytes position).
Then you format the bytes in the right order. Increase or decrease n for having different ip addresses

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