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Python slicing tuples from list

I need to extract the values 76212 & 160008 from my result which is below:

[(76212, 160008)]

For example I want:

Result1 = 76212
Result2 = 160008

How do I achieve this?

EDIT Should probably add that this result is taken from SQLAlchemy ORM. My code for this is below:

query1 = session.query(X.Y,Z.A) \
        .filter(cast(X.Y, VARCHAR).like(f'%{jobno}')) \

Assuming your result is named result:

result1, result2 = result[0]

For some more understanding, consider a tuple:

x, y, z = (1, 2, 3)


It is not that complicated, but I guess you need to take some basic python course first. Before asking here on SO.

a = [(76212, 160008)]
Result1 = a[0][0]
Result2 = a[0][1]
result = [(76212, 160008)]
result1, result2 = result[0]

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